Profitable Strategies:
Step-by-step tutorials on profitable trading strategies

Every strategy has been successfully tested over 500 times

Learn entry and exit points to maximize your profits

Identify risky setups vs high-probability setups

Access to our private Discord community of successful traders

Live Q&As to get help with your personal trading questions

Forex 101:
Master all the basics and need-to-knows of Forex trading

Master the psychology of trading Forex

Discover the best trading platforms & the broker I personally use

Learn Technical Analysis to read & predict price action

Access to our private Discord community of successful traders

Live Q&As to get help with your personal trading questions

Futures Mastery:
Discover the lucrative possibilities with futures trading

Identify the best futures contracts to trade

Video tutorials on using trading platforms & predicting price action

Discover the easy way to get funded with futures prop firms

Access to our private Discord community of successful traders

Like a lot of y'all, when I started trading, consistent profitability was hard. I was making impulsive decisions based on emotions and the market was frikkin' robbing me. But the gem that got me out of it? Strategy.
When I discovered my strategies – and followed them – everything changed. Now I'm robbing the frikkin' markets every day. And I'm sharing EVERYTHING with you in all of my courses and continually droppin' gems in our private Discord community so we call all grow together!